The CB-2 Concrete Batch Controller is a versatile, efficient concrete batching control system ideal for ready-mix and block plants. The CB-2 is capable of controlling portable plants, stack-up plants, central mix, dry batch, as well as precast facilities. From...
Process Controllers
MotoWeigh Checkweigher Conveyor Scale
MotoWeigh case weighers, checkweighers, conveyors, sorting systems and automatic labelers provide a family of products for both wet and dry applications in food, logistics, packaging, manufacturing, and warehousing. Systems are available in aluminum or stainless...
Universal Large Remote Display
If you want us to set it up for you please give us a call at (713)849-9992, or (310)538-3018 to provide you the best solution for your application. Sun light viewable remote displays with Auto-Learn feature for easy installation with any scale indicator with data...